Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
The concept of global village was first popularized by Marshall McLuhan. He chose the phrase "global village" so that events in one part of the world could be experienced in real-time from other parts, which is what human experience was like when we lived in small villages. In other words, the global village is all the countries of the world when thought of as being closely connected by modern communications and therefore economically, politically, socially and environmentally dependent on
each other.
AIESEC, the world’s largest student run organization provides an international platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential so as to have a positive impact on the society. This year AIESEC in India is hosting the largest international youth leadership summit ever held in the country. The 62nd AIESEC International Congress 2010 will see the convergence of 700 young leaders from over 107 countries, top management of over 100 companies, and various youth icons from around the world.
AIESEC Manipal University will have the event in Manipal University where interns from 5 different countries present to you a cultural extravaganza of music, traditions and lifestyles. It is the day where you can interact with internationals from different parts of the world.
Poverty, global warming, population explosion, unemployment are global issues which have to be dealt with seriously for the benefit of the whole world. Every country faces these problems and these have to be dealt with on a serious note.
Things will only get better if they are able to face their problems together. 2 countries, despite the distance that separates them, have so much in common.
Global village is a global carnival where young people from 5-6 different countries will be showcasing their culture and traditions, the theme of the carnival being “Breaking boundaries, creating bonds”, keeping in mind what AIESEC envisions, i.e. “Peace and fulfillment of humankind’s potential.” People learn about so many different cultures in just one place!
Held at the MIC Gardens, stalls were set up for the interns currently coming from countries such as Germany, China, Senegal and Egypt. Each of them were allowed to display whatever he or she wanted that is unique to their country, which they had brought all the way, be it the food, clothes, and even football jerseys! These also include presentations, games and other fun activities.
Global Village was one place where there were over 10 countries represented under a single roof!!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
The experience of AIESEC Selection Process, by Sounak Mazumder (DT Department)

AIESEC....One of the biggest steps I’ve taken in life so far-to make a change in the world, using the power of today-Youth.
It all started when my friend, a member of AIESEC Singapore told me about this organization. I looked up for it on the internet but nothing seemed to reach me. Then in the II semester we had people from AIESEC selling forms at KC.I was really excited and learned a lot more from the World Without Borders held at KC. Ramit, a present member of AIESEC showed me his presentation which he made on his internship in Kenya. I was really moved by the kind of work he did for the children there. I wasted no time in buying a form and filling it up.
Soon, I was called for a G.D. (the very first of the February recruitment drive, I guess) The G.D. was headed by Anupama, Manuja and Naren. There were 8 of us-4 first years, 2 second years and 2 third years. The topic to be discussed about was “Should Military Training be made mandatory as a course with undergraduates”. My friend, Faisal and I dominated the entire discussion which continued in the abstract topic “Saturday Night Fever“. The activity was a lot of fun as it tested our convincing abilities and creativity. The activity for us was to sell a pen cap. It was a lot of fun thinking of what to do and what to put into it to make the customer wanting to buy it. With that we ended the G.D.
As I expected, I cleared the G.D. and was a called for a personal interview.Again, I was the first one.Anupama, and our Local Committee President took my interview. It was a very interactive one. I expressed myself very well. It was handled very professionally which made me feel really good from inside. Through the interview, I got a clearer picture of the things an AIESECer does which really amazed me. I was really happy with my interview and was now hoping to get selected.
A week went by; I suffered a ligament injury and was restricted to my bed for a week. At around 10:30pm I got a call from Priya, also a present member saying that I didn’t get selected. I was very disappointed but assured her I’ll try again next semester.Then, she said that she was joking and said that I WAS SELECTED for AIESEC!!! I was really happy that I was now a part of an organization that is changing the world.
I am AIESECer and was, am and will be proud of that.
Thank You.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
AIESEC Manipal and Red Cross
The Indian Red Cross is a voluntary humanitarian organization having a network of over 700 branches throughout the country, providing relief in times of disasters/emergencies and promotes health & care of the vulnerable people and communities. It is a leading member of the largest independent humanitarian organization in the world, the International Red Cross & Red Crescent Movement.
The Mission of the Indian Red Cross is to inspire, encourage and initiate at all times all forms of humanitarian activities so that human suffering can be minimized and even prevented and thus contribute to creating more congenial climate for peace.
AIESEC on the other hand focused on providing a platform for youth leadership development offers young people the opportunity to participate in international internships, experience leadership and participate in a global learning environment. What makes AIESEC unique is the youth driven impactful experience that it offers to its members. AIESEC is run by young people for young people, enabling a strong experience to all its stakeholders which makes it THE ideal organisation for a collaboration with the largest independant humanitarian organisation in the world, RED CROSS.
The AIESEC – RED CROSS collaboration is the first of it’s kind with AIESEC In MANIPAL UNIVERSITY taking the first step and joining hands with RED CROSS UDUPI.
Indian Red Cross Society has its branches in every state, union territory and district level. Membership is obtained by enrolling in the respective state/district branch of the India Red Cross society to which one belongs. For a lifetime membership a minimal fee of Rs 500 is charged. This is beneficial to every indivisual in numerous ways. An additional fee of Rs 50 can be paid for an ID.
The various benefits of this membership are:
§ Tax exemption
§ Access to any high security area
§ First preferance in health care provided by RED CROSS themselves
§ Certificate signed by the governer of the state and a medal of honour
§ Volunteering for any national event in any part of the country
The board members of the INDIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY in Udupi include
MR SHETTY – chairman
MR SHARATH- vice chairman and
MR DEVEDIGA – secretary
SO DONT HESITATE JOIN THE INDIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY UDUPI TODAY. YOU WILL NOT ONLY GREATLY BENEFIT FROM IT BUT WILL ALSO BRING ABOUT A CHANGE IN SOCIETY .On becoming Amember YOU help in rendering Red Cross a noble cause to serve the most vulnerable and thereby reaching to the needy, through Red Cross.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Dream was the two day event of AIESEC Manipal University which had sessions by Vice President(HR) of TCS, Bangalore Mr E.R. Chakarvarthy (Popularly known as Chaks) on PersonalITy Development. This was not a normal everyday personality development seminar, but it was essentially about What Companies want from you in the corporate world and it focused on culture of companies and recruitments too! After the 90 minute session, there was a serious QnA where Mr Chakarvarthy took questions which ranged from “Current Recruitment Scenario” to “My gpa is 7, will you recruit me please?”.
Following this there was a session by Dr RajKumar, Director (BPO) HCL, Chennai, a man with colossal experience in the software industry who recently moved base back to India from the US, spoke about Business Communications and the shift to the Corporate “Real” world from the campus life. His session was crisp and his charisma is such that he gets the audience at the edge of their seats throughout! He stressed on how merely your accent and pronunciation affects your work-life amongst other things. After his session got over, he joined the AIESECers in our jives and roll-calls!
The highlight of day 2 was the workshop by WIPRO’s head of Business Communications, spoke to the students of MIT and other colleges sitting in the audience about the details and technicalities of a Job-Interview. His hour long session trained people about all niceties of an interview, from the length of the sleeve to the posture.
This was followed by a presentation by Red Cross, who elaborated on what an organization like AIESEC and they have in common and how the Development Training Internships helps make the world a better place. Red Cross also talked about their ongoing AIDS project in Karnataka.
A ‘State of the World’ group discussion and team activity session was held after this where in the audiences were divided into 6 groups and each group was given a relevant world-issue, like Poverty, Global Warming, etc. The groups also had to conceptualize and present the solutions to their respective problems.
The last agenda on the list was a play on Global Warming called ‘The Last Resort’ which was by DRAMANON, a well-known and highly talented bunch of individuals which drew people in large numbers.
In a nutshell, the two day event saw sessions by TCS, HCL, WIPRO, RED CROSS, and the students had something to take back home. The thought-provoking Group Discussions restored a sense of concern in the youth of today.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

AIESEC, in more than 60 years of existence, has tried to achieve, and succeeded, in its goal of creating IMPACT, either direct or indirect. The world’s largest student-run organization, aspires to see a borderless world with each person having the paramount cultural experience. The most efficient way of achieving this objective is exchange.
Our objective is to target the students of Manipal University, the global entrepreneurs of tomorrow, and help them enrich their education by providing them with a holistic international experience which would help them in their future endeavors. This initiative will challenge their worldview and help them gain a unique combination of multi-cultural, social and entrepreneurial experience during the formative years of their lives.
AIESEC International is responsible for the highest number of exchanges in the world. From Work Abroad Program for Technical Students to Global Entrepreneurs Program for a socio-cultural-entrepreneurial internship abroad for students looking to broaden and increase their cultural understanding and who genuinely believe in making the world a better place than it is.
AIESEC India did 2123 international exchanges, both incoming and outgoing in the year 2009. As there is equal importance of non-technical internships as there is of technical internships for engineering students, AIESEC is the perfect platform for them. AIESEC has been tapping potential of young and bright minds for over 60 years now. Its purely a student run organization and hence understands the needs of students better than any other provider can.
The aim of our Local Chapter in Manipal University is to provide the AIESEC experience to as many eager young minds as we can.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Suparna's XP!

Suparna Jain
18 y.o.
My internship with AIESEC in Malaysia started on the 4th December, 2009. As part of the Global Entrepreneurs Program, I worked with the AIDS research foundation in Malayisa- the AARG in helping them form a partnership with AIESEC in Malaysia. In addition to this, I also conceptualized an awareness drive involving declamation, painting and slogan competitions for schools in and around Penang. My work in the field of HIV/AIDS helped me get the HIV Champion of the Month award, a true honour indeed! I also conducted sessions on the condition of AIDS in India, which was a very rewarding experience.
I am proud to say that I chose AIESEC as a way to explore my potential and experience a great international internship. This exchange program not only gave me work exposure but also helped me discover myself as a person. I learnt a lot of things apart from my work field, made a lot of friends and also saw and felt the different culture of Malaysia. It has been a splendid experience to have worked with so many influential people in the field of HIV/AIDS and to have met the passionate and driven AIESECers as well.
I would like to thank AIESEC in Manipal University and AIESEC in Malaysia for giving me the chance to prove myself and also doing my bit towards HIV/AIDS.