Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The concept of global village was first popularized by Marshall McLuhan. He chose the phrase "global village" so that events in one part of the world could be experienced in real-time from other parts, which is what human experience was like when we lived in small villages. In other words, the global village is all the countries of the world when thought of as being closely connected by modern communications and therefore economically, politically, socially and environmentally dependent on

each other.

AIESEC, the world’s largest student run organization provides an international platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential so as to have a positive impact on the society. This year AIESEC in India is hosting the largest international youth leadership summit ever held in the country. The 62nd AIESEC International Congress 2010 will see the convergence of 700 young leaders from over 107 countries, top management of over 100 companies, and various youth icons from around the world.

AIESEC Manipal University will have the event in Manipal University where interns from 5 different countries present to you a cultural extravaganza of music, traditions and lifestyles. It is the day where you can interact with internationals from different parts of the world.

Poverty, global warming, population explosion, unemployment are global issues which have to be dealt with seriously for the benefit of the whole world. Every country faces these problems and these have to be dealt with on a serious note.

Things will only get better if they are able to face their problems together. 2 countries, despite the distance that separates them, have so much in common.

Global village is a global carnival where young people from 5-6 different countries will be showcasing their culture and traditions, the theme of the carnival being “Breaking boundaries, creating bonds”, keeping in mind what AIESEC envisions, i.e. “Peace and fulfillment of humankind’s potential.” People learn about so many different cultures in just one place!

Held at the MIC Gardens, stalls were set up for the interns currently coming from countries such as Germany, China, Senegal and Egypt. Each of them were allowed to display whatever he or she wanted that is unique to their country, which they had brought all the way, be it the food, clothes, and even football jerseys! These also include presentations, games and other fun activities.

Global Village was one place where there were over 10 countries represented under a single roof!!

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